Task: Create a PR moment for Liquid Death, that highlights their anti-plastic pollution, pro-Earth stance.  
Insight: Using condoms often kills the vibe during sex, they also contribute to environmental waste. 
Idea: Liquid Death introduces aluminum condoms, addressing the often-overlooked issue of condom waste as a form of plastic pollution. Our message: Liquid Death Aluminum Condoms to fu!k plastic waste.
We’ll create a commercial for social media with Rock N Roll Sex symbol Lenny Kravitz to introduce the aluminum condoms.
We’ll drop the content for The Aluminum condoms on 6/9 on national sex day. We’ll advertise The condoms as if they will come in 2 different sizes: Growers and Showers as a stunt because Aluminum condoms are not FDA-approved.
We’ll collab with “Here We Flo” on packaging for their vegan condoms. That will be released on Liquiddeath.com and hereweflo.co on 6/9 in the sizes of Growers and Showers.
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